Wednesday, September 13, 2006

happy birthday verse 2

as promised...

hot matt and chef sandwich

what's a party without a banana microphone?

heather and i take it waaaay back with lisa lisa...

i'm pretty sure rich and i were freakin' to jane's addiction cause that's the some turn on music

tap room boys. oh keon.

poor kiersten was getting ass raped in this one. look at her hanging on to her girl for strength.

terrrry emerged from his "hiding spot" on the couch to look (his words) hard. he just looks real sleepy to me...

i can't remember your name, my crinks, ronnie and shiny jen

it took us about 3 tries to get this not even cute picture

cindy even went so far to put her twist (penis shape) on my dad's very special homemade cheesecake. i show my gratitude...

it was THAT good you guys...

me and my big sister

kiersten and i make ronnie's night

in unrelated news, my fingles are long

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

birthday surprise! (verse 1)

so for my XXth birthday, kiersten and terry got me real good and had a surprise party at the house for me. apparently i'm completely and utterly clueless and it's easy as shit to foil me. just say you're going to chicago. gullible. prior to the party, my sister took me to see the redbirds win some shit. we ran into kierlo's sister who works at busch and sweetie hooked us up with badass seats about 12 rows behind the 3rd baseline and the other team's dugout. since i don't know how to enter a proper post with a bunch of words expressing myself, here's some photos from my actual birthday night, the game and the party...

things started off relatively slow at the royale. here's joe, burtle, terrrry and jen...

matt tried to kick it up a notch by showing us his tiny ass nipple...

we left royale so i could say my (final) good bye to the hi pointe (RIP, yet another bar that i frequented). happy much?

sausage fest 2006 part I (look at terry's weird surprised eyes and hat in the back; don't focus on me for too long)

couple of the year

see ya l8er homme!

kiersten hates this picture but i mean, it's dale!

and everybody loves dale...

we left soon after and hit up mangia for some late night action. here's susan, a dumbshit and eyes wide shut nick...

$1 won't get you far, rootz...

this is Black Mystic.

rootz and aaron flanking some ol' queen or other

good gravy, i don't even remember this being taken.

so then we left mangia and headed back to our place. sausage fest part II.

amy showed up ready for some cards

talk about schmee. who's a sad girl?

that's the spirit!

next day was kinda rough but we made it to busch stadium and i pretended to care

here's lisa For Real caring

i'm not sure whose camera was being used to take the pics of le surprise, but it wasn't mine. here's me and brandon singing erasure. i'm sure of it.

and now here's the part where this entry has to end. stupid blogger won't let me upload any more pics....

more to come.