Friday, April 02, 2004

cold lampin'

i've got about 2 minutes left before lunch is over so i thought i'd take the magical time and do a not so magical entry.......i know you all have been freaking out about my lack of words so here we go, in a weekly wrap up (of sorts):

monday - worked; some peeps came over and.....i got my new-to-me computer. it's totally set up all ghetto-style and i don't have the right outlets to hook it up, but a new modem will be purchased this weekend as well as a Power Strip or something. i'm totally a girl. three prong style and everything. more words on the computer as soon as i can turn it on........

tuesday - worked; worked in the eve' too; concocted one of the Worst Lies To Get Out Of Closing so i could make it to my friend's in time to watch 24 which hasn't been on in a g.d. month because of smelly American Idol. was totally worth it. people were bleeding out of their noses AND mouths because of the

wednesday - worked; stayed home that night to do some closet cleaning and man, it really makes a difference to clean shit out that's been in the same place since day one of moving in which was a few years ago. imagine. that stack o' t-shirts is RETARDED.

thursday - worked; worked in the eve' til 10; came home, crashed.

friday - working; will work tonight til midnight and probably have a beer or two at my version of cheers (am i norm?).

rest of the weekend will no doubt blow because i have to work tomorrow night and yea, that kind of hurts. i'll manage. maybe i'll have to purchase an izod in honor of my loss.

the most interesting update EVER!

Monday, March 29, 2004

i'm shitting in my pants!!

another weekend wasted away. really though? what kind of "goals" do i pressure myself into for the big, bad, bold weekend? mostly i just hope that a dish will get washed and that i don't crash while driving highly intoxicated. that's the best that baby can do. that said/typed, i managed fairly well this past one. and this is knowing that on saturday, i spent the entire day doing absosmurfly nothing. well, a few dishes were washed, some shit was swept, and i took trash out. and i didn't crash. no way. i found myself watching 'the karate kid' and had to stop myself and call my trusted HLH because, as soon as mr. miyagi gave daniel-san the yellow car (he totally had the keys in there cause his Japanese instinct TOLD him that ralph macchio would pick that one out of all the others on the lot), i realized that my tear ducts were beginning to work. and what pushed me over the edge? when daniel-san is all, "mr. miyagi, you're the best friend i ever had" and pat morita's all, "you not too shabby yourself......." are you kidding me? i'm not kidding myself. let's blame it on the cheeba. i mean, that's a reasonable excuse, no? cripes. end of scene. i was reminded why asparagus is GOOD and BAD on saturday night. went to a friends to watch some HBO boxing action (go jermain taylor! you're my new boyfriend! i don't know your birthday! but i love you!) and she whipped up some egg salad sandwiches with......asparagus on them. and it's weird, it was good. i haven't had any egg salad since hector was a pup, so i was kind of EGG-CITED. but then, that whole peeing after you eat asparagus thing? it's just bizarre. i always forget.....until i'm drunk later. from sitting on a couch and drinking cider. but yea, that's some fascinating information that all 4 of you guys can ponder. HOW DOES SHE DO IT? HOW COME SHE GETS TO EXPERIENCE ALL THESE FUCKING INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCES? i can't stress enough how fortunate i am.

i'm so stupidly lucky that i'm eating a banana and looking at the top of the George Warren Brown School of Social Work.

i heard word that my former boss' boss' boss' boss is going to be the Dean's Medalist at this year's Distinguished Alumni Awards. i really don't know how to comment on that one. laura? help me out here.

i saw that 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' yesterday. twas good! that's all i'm saying on that. i'm not all that gay, but kirsten dunst really looks good in a pair of panties............not. all. that. gay. gay.

a storm's a brewing out there you guys.

when i feel like sharing, i'll tell you all about my exciting news of getting a new-to-me computer.