Tuesday, November 30, 2004

when you read you begin with a-b-c

FINE. here's some words. the thing is, i'd rather be laying around maggie's smoking and watching her and susan go back and forth on that badass grand theft auto san andreas. i'm totally in love with carl. well, i'm more in love with ryder even though he turns out to be a total dick. what? isn't this what you were craving? it's what i totally NEED.

where to begin...... it's been absolutely nutty up in this here job and i guess the slowdown will begin in say, early february. that's my projection anyways. tomorrow is the dean's installation. he'll be, besides being executive vice chancellor and dean of arts & sciences, the barbara and david thomas distinguished professor in arts & sciences. so much. if barbara thomas would just hook me up for one second with some ring side seats to an HBO boxing event, that'd be enough for me. so yea, that whole hooha is tomorrow and everyone's losing their minds. my mind is almost lost, but not because of that. those installations? back when i was working in the development office, i was elbow deep with those and honestly? they basically run themselves....... me? i'm freaking out about the upcoming external review of the biology department. should be good times. or at least really busy and hectic times. either or. i'm determined to not for real get all bent out of shape. they don't call it "work" for nothing. am i right or am i right.

thanksgiving. you spoil me with your good eating. i know some people hate the idea of turkey to eat, but me, i freakin' love it. so much. and then there's my mom's homemade macaroni w/ cheese that no one can touch. not even you MARTHA STEWART with your good recipe. (i'll be making that particular recipe for the work holiday "party"). and my dad's homemade bread. it's just all good. no one can fuck with our family's thanksgiving is the way i see it. nope.

what are YOU thankful for? me? for the whole familia getting together to eat it up good and hang out and make jokes, for fred and i sneaking away from the hizo to smoke, for lisa going for smoke part deux, for finally meeting my goddaughter suzy lee, for seeing the norFways, joey, steve, andy, mike, lana and drew on friday night, for all my "Local" friends who totally know how to represent and throw down, for hanging out on thanksgiving night until 5:30 in the a.m. cracking up, unable to move from the one spot i was in for about 2 and a half hours talkin bout "this is my jam....right here is my jam.....", for totally kicking ass at pool with susan as my partner when both of us are total dickholes when it comes to actually playing the game, our shit talking really paid off in the end, for my latest series of good hair days, for the promise of booty..........it will happen.

i'd go into oscar madness stizz but the thing is, i really need to step up the pace before i start tooting any kind of horn. seriously. it's bad and i need to see about 2 bajillion movies RIGHT NOW. it'll happen.

tonight i'm going up to the tappy to help susan decorate for the upcoming holiday. this is extra money that baby needs so bad. it's better than hosting, dicks. and i'll try and kick some game out to the parking lot attendant. saw that monkey out on t-giving night totally all up in the business of some WHORE. meanwhile, i was walking along the path to the bathroom at halo bar, not knowing that i'm strolling in puke and my HAND is on the wall (for support - i was a bit wasty) and there's some barf there too. i'd totally want to hit this right here. so hot. the thing is, all kinds of guys are interested in me.

that hansel is so hot right now.

while this is short, it's no doubt sweet. at least as sweet as my lips. no, the ones DOWN THERE.

oh, grow up.

Monday, November 29, 2004

THIS is me looking really hot. Posted by Hello

i think i may suck at doing this. this is my fake pretend godchild charlie being a big girl. Posted by Hello

don't panic
