Monday, August 15, 2005

do guys make passes at girls who wear glasses?

apparently the answer is "yes." last thursday i'm waiting for kierlo to pick me up for lunch (just go to the blackberry cafe and get the spicy chicken wrap - you will NOT be disappointed, unless you don't like good) and i'm sitting outside, probably sweating & most definitely smoking - literally. this dude strolls over and asks me for a cigarette (which is the first sign of love), i give him one and then he says, "excuse me, but you look really young, how old are you." i'm all "..." because i generally make up any kind of an age when asked, stranger or not. so i tell him the TROOF and then he asks how long i've been here, blaa, blaa and finally i see kierlo coming up the bend. he starts to go, turns back around and says, "do me a favor. give me your number." i then say one of the biggest lies in the world, "i don't give my number out, give me yours and i'll call you."

his number is saved as "dude" just as reminder that i still do indeed have it.

so what else have i been doing lately? not updating this shit for one. but here's one for the gipper and shut up, shut up, shut up. oh, i'm talking to the voices in my head. it's been busier than the fuck at work (and NO, it's not because the fall semester is about to begin) and it's been that way since, oh yea, i can remember. but soon, very soon, it should all be sorted out. 'member that lady who decided to retire in the office i work at? well, as soon as they find a Jennifer II, i'll be turning into Barb, Jr. or something along those lines. it's a little bit of a promo and definitely more money so it's good. in the meantime though, i'm doing all of my current soon-to-be former job and about 1/2 of her job so it kind of smarts. keep your kero kero keroppis crossed that they find someone in the next 2 weeks. it'd be a nice thing.

in other news:

  • i can't stop listening to del the funky homosapien. 1994 represent!
  • hopefully VERY SOON i'll be getting that FREE iPod (big ups to pepsi)
  • and in a couple of weeks, i'll be the owner of a new digi cam - that's right, my old "hi! i wear a 3T HP will be long gone
  • i got with my barnes&noble gift card from christmas - the best of tears for fears and georges batailles "story of the eye" - nothing hits home like an eye/egg fetish while listening to 'sowing the seeds of love'
  • at least one night each weekend, i find myself here playing this until 6 in the morning
  • i can't believe alan ball's gotta break my heart
