Thursday, December 28, 2006

promises are shit

but not's me, all updating this shit. where to begin though... i am most certainly not going to recount my steps from what, october? wow. what a slacker. how dare me actually WORK at work. we all know that i'm procrastinating...trying to think of something AMAZING that's been going on, or will soon be. here's something to chew on. march 2007. kierbear and i will be moving yet again. this time, into an actual HOUSE. that's right, a house. a 3-story house over on the south side. to up the ante, cole will be joining the unit. finally we can have Family Dinners and maybe even Family Meetings. regardless of what we do, the unit will be together and it'll be good and plenty. sylvie won't know what to do with floor options - she might lose a pound or two! or as kiersten said, "yea right, she'll sleep on your pillow all day." that's her jam and i can hardly blame her. there's no place like my pillow. you guys are more than welcome to check that ish out. i promise that the most i'll do is try to snuggle up to you. i got my hair cut. here's a shot.

and because i'm pleased with the results that kc (at salon k) hooked me up with, i made the decision to break up with ol' becky who used to cut my shit. sorrrrry verve, no hard feelings. but seriously, i haven't had my hair this short in i don't know how long. even though it was never that much longer, it was still longer. i go in to see kc today to get a relaxer. i can't even imagine how bone straight that shit's gonna be cause what you see up above? that's me in desperate need of a relaxer. do the math.

what else? i STILL haven't seen an actual movie in the theater. guess that can be my new year's resolution since i refuse to make any sort of "real" resolution. resolve these. but i really need to get on the horn. the golden globe nominations are out and those are a good helper for me and my "job" with the academy. i'm such an asshole.

what's anyone doing for new year's? me? i have a ticket for the thingie at the royale but i'm feeling mostly indifferent to the idea of actually going. the thing about me is that i kind of can't with getting gussied up and doing all that shit. i kind of like to just chillax year round, it's how i roll. not surprising... if nothing else, sylvie has been more into me than usual (it's almost frightening how her love for me has no bounds) so i can kiss her "lips" when the proverbial ball drops. we'll see, we'll see. i'm hoping to get laid is really what i'm saying. and not by my cat. i normally don't get any sort of hubba hubba action for the ny holiday. my jams are all fall oriented. i figure it should be mostly easy this year since ya know, i'm kind of getting laid more so than not, right?

WHAT IF MY PARENTS ARE READING THIS YOU GUYS? mom, dad, i'm not a virgin.

verrrrry soon i'll be leaving this city and heading to the city that houses a healthy chunk of my friends. that city that i speak of is a no brainer but i'll tell you anyways. chicago bitches. i can't wait and i'm excited (we're too excited to sleep) as it's been a hot minute and damn if i don't miss those fuckers. all of them. you can scroll down to earlier entries from the past 2 4th of july holidays if you need an update of the babies i speak of. plus, these two dreamboat annies:

no one knows why suzy has to be a total blur in this picture. she's all hazy and shit.

oh yea, christmas. what'd you guys get? even though i said that i wouldn't list all the shit i got, i will grant you the viewing of one of my presents:

yes! i've been coveting this ring for years now. thanks tiffany and co! or rather, thanks MY FAMILY. that's right. i guess they are trying to woo me. my mom, dad and sisters. it's almost working.

tonight, after my hair gets did, i will get to see these two assholes:

i am hella excited. that's james&dan to you, strangers. learn it, know it, live it.

i keep on thinking: dance party.

is this enough paul and terry? can i take a break until 2007 now?

happy new year's.


Blogger Not Jennifer Gibbs said...

Yes. Feel free to take a break 'til ought-seven.

3:10 PM  

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