Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i'm using the word Hate right now

and i'm directing that hate towards you charter communications, you filthy fucking liars. rot in hell.

goodbye HBO, showtime, cinemax etc. goodbye everything that's not Basic Cable.

it was nice having some shows to watch. i'll just catch up on Everybody Loves Raymond and buy a shotgun so i can insert it into my mouth and go from there.

and yes, i'm being a baby about TELEVISION but i've never claimed to be That Person who is all "i think that television is so unimportant and shouldn't be allowed in a room" - fuck that, watch up to 12 hours a day, i don't care!

okay. i had to rant for a second. and no, i don't feel better.
what else? LIKE ANYTHING ELSE MATTERS my internal voice is saying...

in keeping with the theme of 2007 (no, not the original title of Semi-Better But Not Really Than 2006) of Cutting Back, i've also made a decision that isn't even that shocking. i am not going to anymore weddings. the minor exception is that if my nephew (who is 12) got married, i'd go to his wedding. other than that, i don't see or feel a need. i'm not against the idea of marriage (ha), nor do i think that 2 people who have That Kind Of Love for each other shouldn't bond in front of god, their family and friends, just not this friend. i'm tired. my complaints aren't even as steep as some of my friends who have probably gone to like 3 or 4 weddings a year (add that shit up guys), but i'm just taking a stand on the whole deal. want a present from me? do something meaningful like be alive for over 40 years after 20 years of a heroin addiction. just saying. that's more worthy of registering at target if you ask me.

i've been watching a lot of intervention lately. any of those people who "accepted the gift" of rehab and kept up a sober life? they might have earned that crock pot more. that's all i'm saying.

plus - i'm the worst at giving presents so here's what you can do, future unionizers. just invite me out for a more expensive than cheap dinner. it'd probably be more fun and definitely less stressful.

i love to eat, that'll never change.


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