Thursday, August 17, 2006

stay classy san diego - end of my summer travels

after i can't remember how many hours, we arrived at colinmariebelle's new home. i didn't take any Night Pictures, but here's the view from their deck on our first morning in allegedly not so hot san diego:

this awesome "graffiti" was outside of joe and anne's apartment. i'm only smiling because it's true.

palm trees!

joe and anne all blurrified...

a total asshole

after we ate and colin got all bulimic on us, we went to the beach (look at the crusties - we figured they tried really hard to look poor - can't fool us)

anne helping the stupid amounts of birds go the way of the bird

so there were all these locals (or maybe folks in from mexico, one never truly knows without asking) and this girl was one of the most bad ass. look at her fucking form!

this puppy was either choking on a chicken bone or a fish bone - none of his/her owner's cared so i took a picture to document their neglect. and, how dumb and cute is that dog.

this picture has nothing to do with the love that colin and i feel for each other, it only has to do with L.A. Gear on my left trying to get out of the picture. the picture doesn't do her hair, outfit, tan and make up justice though. please try to imagine with me. she worked at the "gift shop" on the pier...i love her.

here's joel. he claims to live in san diego but i'm still not convinced. we were at nunu's (sp) when this was taken. this bar was, as the kids say, fun.

a few from their new front porch that's totally cute

it was a very SERIOUS type of morning

until we got to la jolla cause apparently i love the fucking beach you guys

fun little fact - this "cove" that you see is a man-made type of cove (am i remembering right marie?) that the local la jollans put in so their kids would have a safe, seal-free place to swim. turns out, seals don't understand english so they pretty much made their way back and now there's a battle going on between nature and man. i'm on nature's side and i hope it takes man down. fuck some babies.

it's my street!

i care about art.

and nature.

the rest of the pictures are more or less the same. if you really want to see them, set up an appointment with me to view them... good times, great oldies.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

now after lovin me late at night

dear joey,

that was the best message i've ever left anyone ever. and i've left a gazillion amazing messages on a cratrillion different machines.
