Friday, August 13, 2004

this is killing me!

i've put in a bid on a digital camera on good ol' fashioned eBay and i am the current high bidder (at TWENTY SIX DOLLARS NIGGAZ) and there's an hour and 45 minutes left! eeeee. i HATE shit like this. the only "good" thing is that unlike All Of The Other Times, i'm going to be near a computer in case towards the bitter end of the (non) bidding war(s), i gotta buck up. keep your gentiles crossed please. argh. even if this is a kind of shitty d.c. (and i'll be referring to it as D.C. from now on until i come up with a "better" name for an object), it's a motherfucking steal at $26, not including the $14 or so dolla$ for shipping. if i win, this means all kinds of people are going to get laid.

**************** update **************

you are now looking at the soon-to-be owner of a D.C. (told yas) for the mere cost of $40, shipping included. suck it!

oh yea, all those people that are getting laid? it's true minus YOU paulers, and i think we all know why. natch!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

i guess i'm not THAT lactose intolerant after all

but where to begin.......the last time all 2 of us were together i believe i was heading out to the city of chicago. the ol' 773. mine eyes have seen the glory of the 312. yea, there. rootz and i left the 314 on wednesday eve' around 6:30ish and got into the city around 11:30ish or so. um. we stayed at my friend's scoop&rachie's apartment the 1st two nights. some thangs that were accomplished:

1. chinatown. for rootz has never been & i do enjoy buying little schnitzes
2. millenium park. check it out! that bean is very.
3. the horrors of the "strip" near wrigley field after a game (rootz' request)
4. the walking around on michigan ave. (getting old guys, getting old)

those were probably the most "touristy" things that happened. all of the other times, my faves, were spent in the non-visible loving arms of my friends there. so it was good times. i really didn't buy too much stuff whilst there which is good and bad. i keep on thinking about that deep red pair of tigers, but i just am holding out for a pair of sneakers that ya know, call to me and only me. they'll probably be blue. so typical, so me. i'll be back and when i do, make sure you add to your stock ol' belmont surplus whatever you're called store! or else! i don't know, what else. it all seems so long ago and i barely remember and what i do remember, isn't even as interesting as what you've read thus far. at least to an untrained eye. next time, indiana will happen. mazel tov.

in really sad & unfortunate news, my friend's dog died last week. that little splooge fest was barely 3 which hardens the blow. she has taken it upon herself to blow this margarita stand & is "enjoying" the undeniable hotness that is new orleans. but the shrimp and drinking on the streets is so worth it.

in good news, i managed to really get in there and root around this past weekend. that is, my apartment is pretty much almost enjoyable to a trained and judgmental eye. that's right. after work on friday night (i ended that particular bullshit shift at 7:30ish) at the tappy, i busted a move home and proceeded to get real busy in some places that i didn't even know existed. this stretched into saturday and let's just say that there was a lot of stuff that i'd been holding on to for no good reason. the ONLY room that's lacking in any kind of me getting all religious up in its mix is the dreaded Game Room. that snot-filled couch needs. to. go. and how. and then i don't know what to do. but those trash bags were FILLED son. and shit was dusty and creepy. again, i'm struggling with the Game Room.

if anyone has suggestions, leave a comment. i kill me.

but i'm feeling like i should win a for real award for the amount of work that was put into....oh wait, it's my apartment. no one gets awards for shit like that. my bad. if i ever had people over, i wouldn't have to say my usual monologue of "the maid's been out of town" or something totally pube-a-rific like that. and then i went and took it a step further when i purchased not only a new shower liner (it's time folks), but i also got one of those swiffer duster thingies so i can bust a nut on the blinds and the ceiling fans. i wonder how long i'll keep this latest "fad" up. probably about as long as you can keep your dick up.

hey. shout out to paulina's birthday. i'm a day late, but nigs, i ain't a dollar short. i even managed to pull it together and go out for TWO beers last night. good times. and i'm not even feeling any sorts of burn today. not more than the usual if ya catch my drift. and if it weren't for the kind of pricey drinks, i'd try and make the pin up one of my hot spots since i more often than not, enjoy their music. except for the goddamn eagles. really. but give me don henley singin' about the boys of summer and i'll get teary-eyed and up in that mix each and every time. fo shiz.

let's see. what else? i do not know. i made an appointment to get my shitbag hair cut on saturday afternoon? that's something, right? i also went and got some hair, nail and skin vitamins from GNC on sunday afternoon. fyi - they're in the women's section, under women & child care and when i joked with the salesboy there about "oh yes, of course, right where i need them to be," he looked at me like i was crazy. and while i might be, that shit wasn't supposed to be taken literal. i'm losing my touch and i'm barely 24, assbowls. tonight i'll be house/dogsitting for everyone's favorite barker/big shitter chopper. i'm mostly excited about the money part of it all. this one over here is still foreva in the hole and this is just too easy money to pass up. why can't i get paid to be me? is it really not that big of a deal being me? i mean, this shit is H.A.R.D. i'm totally getting on my nerves too!

quick - get me a unicorn and sir mix-a-lot's "swass" cd.
