Monday, October 18, 2004

take me in your arms and love me.....

chicago, you caress me. real good times ya'll. that charlie is really turning into something alarmingly charming and i'm ready for this next one to be out already. i don't think i'm the only one in that thought. one thing i'm a bit saddened about is the usual lack of time to spend with my people up there. it always seems to slip right through these righteous fingers. but, i'll be back, they'll be here, it all will come out in the wash.

right, jg?

if i can convince some of those bizos to just COME HERE for a nice getting fucked up on manhattans weekend, it'd be right as rain. kelly, i'm looking in your direction to help me with the coordination of this one. thanks in advance. i really appreciate it and thanks again for having whooping cough.

um. i don't know. nothing much to say. made some real delicious burgers tonight. that george foreman grill is really something else. the fries could have been better, but they did the job. a nice, tall glass of kool-aid would have been GREAT to go along with but SOMEONE doesn't have enough sugar to make a pitcher. that's my complaint of the night. my complaint of the evening? spending EIGHTY THREE DOLLARS that no way in hell do i have as "extra" on my motherfucking CAT to get her some MEDICINE for her horrible snot problem. let's see if these two guys work. all i know is that she totally hates me and i hate having to swaddle her in a towel so she doesn't get all sorts of crazy up in my piece with those CLAWS and well, nothing is hotter than having to shoot 3 milligrams of goo into a poor feline's mouth with a syringe. if this doesn't work, i'm going to throw her out the window like yesterday's used condom. the best part is that i have to give her 3 milligrams of one TWICE a day and 1 milligram of the other one TWICE a day. perfect! who could ask for anything more.

oh! you want to know if i had a good time at morrissey on friday night? naturally! guys, the thing is, moz still has it. i mean, sure, he's not as flamboyant with the whole taking off of the shirt, but he's 68 years old for crying out loud. i'm not quite as old, and i'm not taking my shirt off for a bunch of sad fucks on a friday night. i'm just typing over here is all i'm saying.

as i type, i'm trying to upload some g.d. picture that really is good stuff. i have a feeling it's not going to work because i'm about as dumb as a hoobastank fan when it comes to this particular ish.

but i am cool as lisa lisa & cult jam's "all cried out" is on in the background. wait, that is cool.

fuck a picture then.

i can't believe that i have to wish for someone to comment on this. even you, stranger. it'll feel like progress.