Tuesday, February 28, 2006

one more thing

big ups to heather, terry & ruder for helping me move. without them, my old place would still have every lick of furniture in it. they rule and you don't.

everything in it's right place

so we are officially moved in! this is good news. the bad news is that there is much to be unpacked, stored, organized etc. etc. but it's nice to have cable/internet at the house and it's nice to be here and out of that shithole that accumulated SO MUCH SHIT in the past 4 years. i went there today to "touch up" on the cleaning that taryn (bless her heart) and i did yesterday & to wait for goddamn laclede to show up to turn my shit off. or whatever they do... so it's (almost) finished. i have to go back there tomorrow to get some t-shirts or whatever out of the main closet that i couldn't reach today (no furniture - der) and take some nails out and spackle. it's gonna be great. and then i'll take my keys to the landlord's office and i'll be done, kaput, over that damn place.

in not so good news, i'm going to chicago on thursday. flight leaves at 6:45 AM and i'll be coming back within 24 hours, riding back with my sister lisa. my aunt fame died yesterday late afternoon. it's very sad and unreal and i am no good at dealing with death, close to her or not. this is my dad's sister. i'm the most sad for him.