Friday, April 02, 2004

cold lampin'

i've got about 2 minutes left before lunch is over so i thought i'd take the magical time and do a not so magical entry.......i know you all have been freaking out about my lack of words so here we go, in a weekly wrap up (of sorts):

monday - worked; some peeps came over and.....i got my new-to-me computer. it's totally set up all ghetto-style and i don't have the right outlets to hook it up, but a new modem will be purchased this weekend as well as a Power Strip or something. i'm totally a girl. three prong style and everything. more words on the computer as soon as i can turn it on........

tuesday - worked; worked in the eve' too; concocted one of the Worst Lies To Get Out Of Closing so i could make it to my friend's in time to watch 24 which hasn't been on in a g.d. month because of smelly American Idol. was totally worth it. people were bleeding out of their noses AND mouths because of the

wednesday - worked; stayed home that night to do some closet cleaning and man, it really makes a difference to clean shit out that's been in the same place since day one of moving in which was a few years ago. imagine. that stack o' t-shirts is RETARDED.

thursday - worked; worked in the eve' til 10; came home, crashed.

friday - working; will work tonight til midnight and probably have a beer or two at my version of cheers (am i norm?).

rest of the weekend will no doubt blow because i have to work tomorrow night and yea, that kind of hurts. i'll manage. maybe i'll have to purchase an izod in honor of my loss.

the most interesting update EVER!


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