Saturday, June 26, 2004

Friday, in the park, I think it was the 4th of July…….

*This* is how I choose to spend my precious and valuable time? For seriously? I get off of work around 8 pm and come home, do some mild “errands” that consisted of me cleaning the toilet, sink, tub and some heavy sweeping, head over to my neighbors to let his dog out, and end up sitting on his couch forever, watching tv? I’m in a state. There are so many more things on the list. Technically, I do have all day tomorrow so I should shut up, but I mean, it’s Gay Pride Fest’ and while I’m not an indulger on the nectar that some call poon, I still know how to support. What? It’s called ‘spect, motherfuckers, read it. Learn it. Know it. If I don’t go, and I shouldn’t, I could knock out almost ALL of The List. It screams for me to use caps on it too. I’m. Not. Kidding. Either. Oh, you want a break down? Fine.

1. head to Pet Smart and get the snotmeiser some food so she doesn’t wither away to a medium-sized cat.
2. see Maria about a suitcase since I’m one of “those” girls and only have duffel-esque bags and she’s got suitcases, on rollers, with handles, that’ll not only fit comfortably in the Mini, but will also be more, how do you say, sensible, for the streets of New Jack City.
3. laundry in the mornin’, laundry in the evenin’, laundry at suppertime………
4. RUN to khin-do and have a broad make a molehill out of my mountainous eyebrows
5. pay a few bill$ while I’m bullshitting
6. house key to Rootz (this has already been pre-arranged to happen some time after 5 p.m.)
7. relax this head o’ hair

I don’t know, there’s more, but I’m just not in the mood to type this list out. It’s been written down about oh, seventeen times so I think that I’ve got a vague idea of what I need to do prior to going out of town. Sheesh, you’d think that I was leaving the country for sabbatical and shit. It’s not even 7 days out of town.

My eyes are almost bleeding. That’s right, it’s barely midnight on a Friday, and I’m gonna turn this shithead in for a nice & durable slumber. I just wanted a reason to type. This. Is. Important.



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