Friday, May 28, 2004

me no know.

happy friday hooligans. happy friday indeed. the countdown. the final countdown. i have no idea what i mean. so today i switched desks at work. i'm on the "important" side now with the dean and lisa and barb's taking over my desk over on the "dark side" where it's all quiet and not as traffic-y. this is a good move in the logistical sense. i have all kinds of space now and not near enough stuff to fill it. i'm not angry about that. supplies do need to be ordered. a coffee mug is NOT a pen holder.

my desk plant is insanely ca-ute though. it's a cactus and it's in a pink vase and there are actual FLOWERS sprouting out of the fucker. i hope i don't kill it. from death comes life.

this weekend is shaping up into a weekend? i don't know. THREE DAY WEEKEND STINKS, THREE DAY WEEKEND. working til blasted midnight tonight though (nothing says "HOT" more than going from work to work, fyi). going to a 2 year old's birthday party tomorrow which doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun, but i get to see sharsky and deeens and chuck so i'm COPA. oh. tomorrow night is all non-commital and on sunday, going to see my parents with the out-of-towners in tow and then on sunday night it's Boy Tour 2004 with maggie and some other star bitches. should be good times. the most exciting this is to be off of work on monday if you ask me. not that i have "plans" or anything or is there a BBQ in my near future but i could care less. for seriously.

i'd get into how Laclede Gas should burn in fucking hell, but i don't want to fuck my wrists up (shout out to repetitive stress syndrome!) on THAT. i'd rather jack some homeless creep off...............

i need to do some kind of cleaning this weekend at chez jentrification. that's a total fact. that litter box isn't gonna get cleaned by sylvie - fucking user. other fun things that should happen are linens getting washed, stuff like that. i don't know. and a visit to my local grocer wouldn't be a horrible idea.

nothing wrong with this:

oddly enough. i'm out of words or something. my eyes hurt.


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