Monday, May 17, 2004

i'll have you speaking in French, ooh la, oui oui

oh ho ho! guess who got Toto IV yesterday for the steal of $5 and some change? like a total fool, i did. maggie and i raged on the drive from streetside to schnucks (look at me knocking out 2 to-do's off the list, fyi) like total assholes rocking out to "Rosanna" and "Africa" back to back. during one of the instrumental parts of rosanna, the keyboard solo transistions into the guitar and maggie won the medal by UNSTRAPPING HER AIR KEYBOARD AND STRAPPING ON HER GUITAR. it was magical. it was incredible. it was a sight to behold. loved it. this air band is going to go FAR. i'll remain keepin' the beat on drums, maggie's got us covered w/ lead guitar, taryn's (NEW MEMBER ALERT, NEW MEMBER ALERT) doin' keyboards and sue's gonna sing. it's going to be great. we just need a bassist. then we can get together and JAM and it'll be righteous. i can never stop smoking as long as this band is around. it's more than a prop, stupids.

this weekend. i began my embracing of vodka/tonics (with a crapload of limes, please) on friday after work. rootz came and met me so we could go see some loud, tweeny bands at rocket, i continued to drink and drink and then all kinds of shots were swallowed and next thing ya know, i'm flying down the highway like a total dumbfuck loser with rootz trailing in my dust. while i was in bed by 2ish, it still hurt like a motherfucker waking up at 9something to make it over to maria's a little after 10. not my fault! rootz was late in getting over to my criznib. so yea, we moved her stuff around to her new cute house and were back at my apartment for phase II (not nearly as strenuous as the first one though) to take apart my old bedframe (think: your grandma's grandma) and put the new one up in there, up in there. and some pics were moved around and put up and then it was time to nap (read: jerk it), shower and get ready for rootz part II for what i'm calling one of the saddest nights of my life. not only was $50 spent in honor of PPV, $50 was spent watching three total bullshit fights prior to the "Main Event" and then during the M.E., fucking roy jones, jr. got knocked the second round! fuck ME!!!!! it's like i was watching one of my best friends (and incidentally, lover too), lose. sucked. i can't.

oh yea, tix were scored for lollapapooper in july. thanks scoop!

and another me sucking myself off thing of note? i paid some much needed bill$ this morning. whew. i need to pay a few more, but then i can sit back and watch my money go to places that i never will ever see.

we had the brunch yesterday afternoon as planned. if you ever have about $20 to spare and are in the soulard area in the late morning/early afternoon (ya know, brunch hours), head to Marty's Bakery on Russell. you will NOT be disappointed. first of all, it's totally cute inside as you dine IN THE KITCHEN (no room for sexual harassment THERE) and secondly, it's a buffet of non-horrible food. it was really good. thanks marie! good eye, sport! it was totally a lesbianic day. and i didn't get any kind of play. not even from myself. that's weak.

and now here i am, back at ye olde bump 'n grind, doing nothing even close to bumping or grinding, oddly enough. my fingernails are getting too long maybe as the clacking of them against the keys is rather, uh, striking? or something. clacky? whatever, it's important. you know it and i know it.

next up?


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