Wednesday, June 02, 2004

love, soft as an easy chair

it's official, i'm pretty tired.

this past Memorial Day weekend was a good one, if not a good tiring one. let's see - i'll make it completely system and break it down, day by day. step by step, day by day........

friday...worked at the "real" job, went to the moonlighter and was there til midnight, promptly went to rocket for some drinking and stuff. nothing mentionable happened. well, at work i did manage to cut my nails off out of sheer boredom.

saturday...went to a cowgirl-inspired birthday party for a 2 year old. folks, a pony was involved for an hour. and the pony's poop pile too. nothing screams PAAARTY more than a cake in the shape of a horseshoe. no, i'm serious. about all of it. stayed out in north county reppin' HARD for my fellow man til close to midnight whereupon i hightailed it to the "city" back to rocket for night #2 of drinking. again, nothing mentionable happened.

sunday...went BACK to north county (that's trip #2 if you're counting) to see my folks and to see some babies and their moms. after that, went home, "got ready" and headed over to maggie's to prepare for Boy Tour 2004. susan pussed out on us, kirsten came through and us ninnies went to the hi-pointe for some drinking and playing of the video crack games (i LOVE erotic photohunt) and joey and jeff met us up there, we closed the bar down after spending way too many dollars on the music trivia - trivia whiz?. one boy down and it was us girls and joey on our way to the pin up for yet more drinking. it almost got ugly when kirsten and i started singing at the tops of our lungs to some queen song that now slips my mind. i do know that the bartender there was and still probably is, cute. i mean. drove like a total idiot, dropped kirsten off, joe and i headed back to the shanty and soon passed out (no, in different beds).

monday...hard morning folks, hard morning. joe and i creeped out of there to his mom's house (in north county, fyi) so he could "get ready" and then we went to mike&becky's for some traditional memorial day fare in the form of hanging out outdoors, kids running around and the staple, barbecue. thanks for the dog! i won't mention anything else. left there early as i had plans with the rootz, picked his ass up from work, went BACK to north county to look at some pimp my ride saturn he's pining after, tried to go to woofie's for a hot dog, ended up at fitz's, ate there, got some smelly stuff for my smelly apartment (why don't you just CLEAN it?), went to ronnie's cine' to see if there was anything besides shrek 2 showing (there isn't), rented some movies and stayed up until about 2 watching said movies....ON A SCHOOL NIGHT. but i can now rest easier knowing that i've seen 'the italian job' and 'the cooler.' bonus for seeing william h. macy's naked butt.

needless to say, i still haven't really caught up on the ol' sleep. i've got major plans to get down and dirty in the hay tonight. there are things that will happen prior to the slumber though, plenty of them. oh! you want to know what? well. i hesitate no longer -

i need to do mad laundry
i need to change the sheets on said bed
i need to go to my local grocer and get some food for the lady
i need to try and clean something

i went to the gyno last week and was told that i have a very healthy lookin' cervix.

this weekend is another big boxing weekend. i'm eggcited. while i'm indifferent towards de la hoya, i do dig on bernard "the executioner" hopkins. let's hope that this $50 doesn't end in a 2nd round knockout. dammit roy jones, jr! anyhoo. that'll be watched over at cinders as her and the new hubby are somewhere in mexico on their honeymoon. dogs will be watched. that's my BIGGEST plan for the weekend and i'm down for it. turns out, baby is pretty poor and while one might say, "wait, you're dropping 50 bones on a fight........" one doesn't seem to realize that this 50 bones is being well spent. no, for real. it beats.....well, i don't know what it beats (i do, i do), but whatever. it's important stuff. i mean, i'm not going to go out after the fight. no, for seriously, i'm not going to. i don't care if you pay me. wait, if you pay FOR me, that's a different story. who are "you" anyway?

i got handed a "creative" new task here at work. there's a glass case in the hallway that belongs to us, the Faculty of Arts & Sciences office and the original idea of all of us staffers getting our pics taken and placed in said case got the gasface. now i am the fearless leader of creating a sort of "what's happening NOW" type of thing. argh. i hate having to be creative. i mean. i really do. i'm not in any way, shape or form, ANY kind of an "artist." of course, a glass case doesn't necessarily mean "canvas" but i'm scared. me and the co-leader on this project are gonna head over to the german dept. this afternoon to peep their shit out and steal some ideas. it's not stealing though. WE ARE ALL WORKING TOWARDS THE SAME GOAL AT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY.

add on to tonight's plans to go to rootz's for some dinner action. and i'm going to help him figure out a little organization. i'm tellin ya, babies need direction.



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