Thursday, June 03, 2004

i'm not really on any kind of a TEAM is the thing.

one thing that i just don't get is how all of a sudden, there's this thing about calling me by my last name. i never have introduced myself with it, never even once. and i don't recall being on the soccer team (or any others, except for the boy stalking team) so i don't understand how all of a sudden, when i'm really old and beyond the days of dumb, why oh why it happens. and it's not with everyone, it's just almost every single employee at the tappy. and the thing is, there's not another jennifer that works there so it's oh-so-confusing to differentiate and i still don't get it. maybe it's the one two combo of my "Jen (insert last name here)" that i often get called and the extra syllable (it's two total) is too tiresome? needless to say, i'm unclear as to how to make it go away once and for all. should i punch the next person in the face? correct them? say, "that's cute and all, but from now on, please call me by my first name, even if you feel compelled to add that one-syllable last namer in there?" i don't know.

this is me giving you the best that i got. me and anita baker, motherfuckers.

now. comments?

if you're nice, i'll let you buy me a slushie.


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