Thursday, June 10, 2004

2 lights that shine as one.

i've got freakin "you and i can make each night a first, every day a beginning, spirits rise and their dance is unrehearsed, they warm and excite us, cause they have the greatest love............." that's right. streisand. i'm such an old queen.

here's some stuff that got "done" in one way or another the last few:

1. moz's newest has been purchased - worth it!
2. some new shirts from target since apparently i was rockin like 2 short-sleeve "work" shirts (2 will be returned)
3. bike valves are in the hizo so i'm *this* much closer to being able to actually ride my bicicyle i want to ride my the rain must let up.
4. saw my hippie neighbor last night and he's got a bike pump which will increase the peace and bring me even fucking closer.

okay. that list is boring. this past weekend was a'ight. i got to hang out with my friend susan who i haven't "For Real" hung out with in many a week. we had good times everyone. drinking IS fundamental. that boxing on saturday, was it worth $50? i don't have time to ponder money lost, i can honestly say that i'm still not sure that oscar WON the fight. that felix sturm has not only a genius left hook, but he's got the heart to back it up. i'm banking that if they had a rematch, it wouldn't end up in oscar's favor. he's not my favorite. my fake pretend b-friend made some good dinner for us too. in the way of baked chicken boobs on the bone, steamed asparagus & au gratin taters (baby [me] made those though). it all went really well with the newcastle. that's right.

marie&colin have probably sold their house in good news! that bitch has been on the market for a lengthy amount of time and no one was buying the bait but it's all changed for the better. i'm pleased for them. and we (marie and me) will be departing for the big nyc on june 29th EARLY and shit and i'm still figuring out when i'll be coming home, but there's that to chew on. she's got the directions mapped out and everything. as it turns out, their dog loves a nice, long roadtrip so it's gonna be easy money stupids! i'm so stupid. but of course, the 3 folks that i know who live up in the city that never sleeps will NOT be in town and since it's a holiday weekend, my good peep from new orleans will be in town so it's all going fucking haywire and shit. it'll all get sorted out in the wash. right joe? i'm actually not as worried about that as i was about this:


at least my johnson can still be stoked since i'll be seeing my baby's daddy dave chappelle on 6/23. that can't mean anything bad. it just can't. i can't wait. i wonder if in the course of the show, he'll spot me way up in the rafters, decide that he can't go on proper with his current wife and kid(s) and just stay here in missouri, leading a quiet, more laid back life, with his new girl, me. that'd not be a bad thing. it's something that i imagine slipping into with EASE.

i hate people that have a hard time staying in their driving lane. TRY HARDER. i could see if you were manning a full-size army hummer but a freakin compact car i.e. saturn? argh. makes me shake my fist in the air and growl. that was the 1st portion of my lunch, going to walgreens. the second half well, not so great. i just shoved my "smart ones" 4 cheese pizza down my throat and then had to go and work on that cabinet with the "What's Happening in Arts & Sciences" action. oh yes. the display case/cabinet has been filled with all kinds of fun things like, The New Earth & Planetary Sciences Building! The cover of James Gibson's new book (with a typed up bio and pic of the author)!, The Mars Rover! and more! it's gobs of fun. it's totally sketched out and some might say that i should have used a level. to those haters, i say, You Do It. jumping back to driving, i also am not a big fan of the people that can't seem to do any more than the designated speed limit. i'm not advocating speeding or anything (heh), but i will say that if the speed limit is 35, it's safe to go 40. that's just me and i'm just typing. i have serious road rage but i keep it all inside. just like my feelings. and just like sears.

it's all inside.


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