Monday, March 13, 2006

when the bullet hits the bone

instead of trying to play some form of Catch Up in what's going on in my so-called life, i'm just gonna point out some random shit that may or may not apply to whatever.

the apartment is coming along nicely. tonight i'm going to try real hard to make a room out of my bedroom. it's hard trying to fit shit everywhere with less amount of space, i ain't gonna lie. plus, why do i have so many little fucking pieces of paper, 2000 phone books, 18 little Figurines that i have no idea about, and a bunch of shit. to make it sound less horrible for me, there are only about 3 or 4 boxes left that i have to go through and i'm assuming that about 85% of it is gonna be tossed out so that's something. it's just the process of actually sitting down and going through it that makes it hard for me. i'm so lazy. but if i can get that finished tonight, my bedroom won't look so much like a garage any longer. and trust me, with the plastic shelving going on (it's temporary; it had better be; brandon: help), it kind of looks either garagey or like a dude's dorm. take your pick, it ain't the best. but it holds my t-shirts, sweatshirts etc. whatever. after that's done and over with, i'd like to get the dining room set up. computer is all good (thanks mike!), but the organization needs to be there i.e. all of the random burned cds, 4000 pens, condom (don't ask), coasters etc. but it's coming along and after we get our shit together, i will post pictures or something. maybe not. just come over and find out for yourself.

and i'm pretty sure that kierlo and i are pretty awesome roommates. with all the kitchen space we have, we were both able to AMICABLY cook 2 different kinds of lasagna last night. leftovers abound and it was good. but besides the kitchen-ness, we are making it work with little to no effort. in my opinion that is. we're all growns up and shit so there's no time for any stupid shit. plus, it's pretty much like when we lived in different apartments cause we hung out all the damn time anyways. now the perk is that only one of us has to take the risk and be the drunk/designated driver.

after this past weekend though, i keep on telling myself that i'm not allowed to drink in public anymore. i don't know what happened, but mixing newcastle, pbr, jagermeister, delicious caramello apple shots, and some pink girl shot that tasted like motherfuckin hawaiin punch apparently isn't the best of blends for this girl here. asshole extraordinaire. anyone who reads this, i apologize. oh wait, only you read this and you weren't around to be offended. know that i was an asshole.

maybe i still AM an asshole.

did anyone catch the season opener of The Sopranos last night? how about Big Love with everyone's favorite bill "chet" paxton? the former was delightful and as always, i'm slightly confused, but totally enthralled. i love a good ending on a show. the latter was pretty good and i'll probably watch again. who knew how hard it was to be a polygamist? as usual, the women do all of the work and the man can't even get it up. typical. i don't know how well i'd fare in that type of situation seeing as how i can't really share like that. not in that kind of close proximity that is. plus, if it were ever to be a decision i was faced with, potential husband better be a celebrity.

and while my feelings are strong and unwavering, i think that it'd be okay if this was final season of 24. that's all i can say on this.

and welcome back, america's next top model!

i have so many recaps to read that it's unbelievable.

you're real lucky, chloe dao.


Blogger Not Jennifer Gibbs said...

I'm with you on 24. I hate to say it, but it does seem to have run its course. Then again, I thought the show started to get sucky in Season 3, but then Season 4 kicked ass. Plus, if they ever bothered to explain fully what happened in Kosovo or what happened between Seasons 2 and 3 (viewers need to know HOW cliffhangers were resolved, not merely that they were resolved), I'd be as happy as a dog with two peters. Hell, I'd be happy with more cougars and more shots of Elisha Cuthbert running.

I'm so sure that you two have to have different kinds of pasta.

5:30 PM  
Blogger not jentrification said...

hi, i eat meat, kierlo don't. we had a MEAT one and a SPINACH one.



9:46 AM  

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