Wednesday, January 11, 2006

you can touch the merchandise

welcome aboard 2006

this picture was taken immediately before the decision that Happy New Year tiaras were in order. it's a really pretty picture and sums up my feelings for 2005.

so far, i'm not exactly angry at the year and because it's so overrated and i have yet to know someone who's like "i lost that extra weight! thank GAWD i made that resolution!" "now i'm never gonna smoke again, i'm so glad that january 1st rolled around!", i'm not resolving a goddamn thing. nope. i will always strive to earn the title of "ultra classy" and "fucking lady" but i'm not going to WORK HARD TO GET THERE.

i saw 'capote' last night and without seeing much other than 'harry potter and the goblet of fire,' i'm going to say it and i'm going to mean it. if philip seymour hoffman doesn't get the oscar for this, no one deserves it. and yes heath ledger, i'm looking in your direction. i haven't seen 'brokeback mountain' and i'm real eager to catch a glimpse of it, i'm not going to believe that anyone fucking assumed someone's whole character and persona better than our boy phil did. it was that good. i thought that i'd like the movie enough and love his acting, as it turns out, his acting made me love the movie. not that i'm going to see it again, rent it and/or own it in my amazing video collection, but i'm holding it near and dear. end of story. next up? gay cowboy loving with an apparent sad ending (thanks for making me already go into it sadder than normal).

i hate even the weakest spoilers.

i'm going to chicago on friday morning. this should be good. i'm way excited to see my friends.

the more grown ones too...........

plus, awesome road trip ahead. i'm riding up with terrrrry and shaefs. this could be hilarious. a lot of new order, tribe called quest and michael jackson. dance party IN THE CAR. holla. and probably a lot of boy gas. i haven't been out of town since freakin JULY. make it work.

oh yea, anyone else down for the project runway? anyone else, that's hilarious. paul, do you watch project runway? you're the lone man standing - well, if there are other "men" who are reading this shit, i can't really tell. but yea, project runway. i'm predicting that santino, nick and chloe are the last 3. even though chloe can't get enough of using the same freaking color in all of the challenges, tim "i would be straight for jentrification" gunn calls it "chloe blue" and well, it's not an insult. i guess making kind of the same dress bodes well for some. but i wish that it was diana eng who made it really far. i have a feeling that the judges are going to get real tired of her conceptual pieces.

i'm such a fashionista.

i'm trying to bring back hoodless sweatshirts. give it time.


Blogger Not Jennifer Gibbs said...

Do you think I watch Project Runway?

2:28 PM  
Blogger not jentrification said...

no, but you're one of the few who reads this.

it'd be dope if you did watch it though. show be off the charts.

3:16 PM  

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