Tuesday, May 24, 2005

the little engine that could

oh but it's been awhile, faithful reader.

let's see, where to begin. commencement was this past friday and whoo boy, we're all glad to see the kids go bye-bye wherever they may roam. what's pretty okay about commencement is the damn robes those faculty members wear. the deal is, they are "encouraged" to wear our WU robes (green) but some "rebel" & wear their alma mater's colors. this red is for harvard! this purple is for northwestern! shit like that. but it's pretty much okay. and that's really all i've got. besides the mass amounts of free food & ted drewes (he's an alum, bitches) and the fact that we leave early, it's not a horrible day. parking's the only motherfucker. but that worked out too.

so another season of 24 has ended and (spoiler!) jack bauer is dead. oh kiefer, when you walked into the sunset with those shades on, it took mad strength to not put my hands down my pants & rub w/ vigor. i'm gonna miss him. i have to wait until 2006 to see the outcome of this? maybe they'll explain what happened to behrooz..................but i am glad that curtis made it out alive. 1st time for everything!

america's next top model is also over and while i'm pleased that naima won, i really was rooting for kahlen. but i will say, that in the final episode & challenges, naima DID do better, but still, she kind of bugs a bit. one of the weakest cycles for antm in my humble opinion, but still, i'll always watch & i'll forever believe. i'll miss you janice!

seems that i've been watching more and more crap tv. and i'm not referring to my two faves up above. i found myself watching csi: miami last night. david caruso? really? all that overacting & who can believe that your character's name is horatio? it's so shadowy & the music and oh, the drama. hey! emily proctor, no one's buying any of your stink. what else have i had the "luxury" of watching? a bit of american idol (for YOU, hester, for YOU) and fine, bo bice, win. just do it. you're less annoying than that carrie girl and i guess you are the comfort of the south. or something. rednecks. and oh yea, cold case! i watched that snarf for the 1st time the other night. i really have little to report. but you, without a trace, i'm not so mad at you cause you have that hottie mchotterson who costars. i'd link, but i'm lazy and i'd look up his name, but i'm even lazier. a little mexidelight.

what you crave: this past saturday night i single handedly scored a dude for me AND kiersten and it was TWO boys. that's right. let's just say i was a bit tipsy, let's just say that many libations were consumed, let's just say that i got my mojo back. yea. go ahead and knock native american off of my list. one for the gipper - - while "MAKING LOVE OUT OF NOTHING AT ALL" i fell out of my bed.

you don't know me.

i've been searching & searching & searching for my cord to plug into my big ol' digital camera so i can upload a picture or something and i can't find it. i'm sad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Behrooz and Miss Driscoll are sharing one another's pain.

9:35 PM  

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