Tuesday, June 28, 2005

oh so soft & cuddly

so while i normally don't complain about the heat (pause for laughter), i'm going to say that my next apartment will have central air. and i will never leave the house. not for much except beer, camel lights & to take out the trash. there's probably some other "errands" i'll run, but that's it. i've had it with the heat and the heat's had it with me.

tomorrow' s my friday - well work wise. i'll be taking the train to chicago (as mentioned in an earlier post) on thursday afternoon and won't return to these parts until next tuesday evening. color me happy about getting away. and i was just on (kinda) vacation too. but i need more & i'm ready to go. in theory. baby needs to do some laundry & a little banking, but other than that, i'm about ready to go.

what else has been going on? while some people pretend that my job is not busy over the summer, i'm all like "contraire!" cause shit's still crazy up in here, up in here. i keep on thinking that i'm all caught up and there's some slack time, but really all i get is the few moments to update this shithole. other stuff that's not about work.......... um, i don't know. everything that i have been doing is too RACY for the internerd is the thing. and not really in "that" way. i did go to birthday party this past saturday for a 2 year old. an outside party. it was pretty fucking hot. the cool parts were seeing people that i always like to see but never get to see & holding onto my sweet and most precious goddaughter as if there was no tomorrow. seriously, you're not gonna meet a happier baby. but she's not my favorite because i can't have favorites because too many people reproduce and really, it's not a competition. but she is my goddaughter so that i do enjoy. plus - she doesn't like the heat! she farts like an adult! she likes watermelon! she dances! it's good times.

i suppose we should get it out there that i'm so fucking disappointed & sad that arturo gatti didn't pull it together and got the shit kicked out of him by floyd mayweather on saturday night. so sad. that face of his is super mush & if you don't protect yourself (AT ALL TIMES, you guys), you're gonna get messed up. add in there a face like silly putty & you've got yourself some eyes swollen shut. and it wasn't even a good fight to watch for those 6 rounds. i'm glad that they called it though - it was pure torture for me. no, seriously, i was rolling on the floor like a gaddampt baby in pain it was so hell for me. the thing is, deep down i KNEW that he wouldn't win, but i fucking hate floyd mayweather & hope one day his fists of fury slow it the fuck down & he gets knocked out, thus ending his career w/ a perfect record.


speaking of, what the hell tom cruise? i'm running out of ways to defend my love for you. please stop going on interviews and claiming to know psychiatry. please just stop. just because i work at a brewery, doesn't mean that i know the history of beer. or something along those lines. i'm scared that you're becoming a caricature of yourself and i'm scared that you're doing all of this stuff so people will come and see 'war of the worlds.' the thing is, people (for some reason) love the shit out of steven spielberg and will go and see any big ol' blockbuster he does, especially if you're in it tom, and you're holding dakota fanning for most of the film. that shit will sell itself to the masses on its own. there's no reason for you to go off on brooke shields for taking medications to regulate. really. and it's okay that you don't agree with taking any kind of meds to feel better, it really is. just don't go on tv and talk about it. you can't and i can't. for the most part though, i blame all of your craziness, mr. mapother, on nic kidman. she's the root of all evil. p.s. don't ever ever ever ever jump on a piece of furniture again on a talk show. just don't.

and while we're on the topic of some important stuff, i finally saw that star wars sith stuff on father's day with none other than my dad AND mom (this was a milestone for that lady as she has a reputation for falling asleep in movies and when we were all little chitlins, this was her protocol - falling asleep and/or not going; she's not "into" these movies). um, it was okay? i don't know. i've kind of lost my love after seeing ewoks in action, but i'm a jerk like that. plus, i know that there wasn't enough time or whatever (and seriously, if that would have been any longer, i might have pistol whipped someone), but i still am struggling with young ani turning to the dark side so quickly. and he didn't even SAVE padme. sheesh. what a fucking punk. he no jedi. poor yoda though, right? but ewan mcgregor can swing his light saber in my direction any ol' time! wokka wokka.

in more office related news, this woman who was out on medical leave for about 6 or so weeks ended up just retiring on us. that's pretty sweet, right? because now i get to add three or so more people's calendars to my list of calendars to plan, right? you gotta be kidding me. so she's gone & her notice was all kinds of jacked up and yea, no one's impressed. but no one's all that surprised and speaking all types of growns up, i suppose that this is an exciting opportunity for EVERYONE and who knows, it could all work out great for all. plus, she wasn't really that great at her job and we all knew she was bound to retire soon, just not while on medical leave. what a weird way to get out of work.

well this is just plain ol' boring. i'll be back next week and i hope to remember to not only take pictures while away, but to take fun ones (i guess not everyone thinks DOGS are the bee's knees - stupid jerks) and will post something real soon that's totally gonna blow your minds with all of it's coolness.

seacrest out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Similar choices: I went and saw the big Star Wars with the Whites last Saturday night, and I, too, wanted to shoot myself in the skull because it was so long and boring.

4:55 PM  
Blogger not jentrification said...

i love similar choices!

i am about to boycott any fantastical (& the like) trilogies because it's kind of dumb.

don't shoot yourself. i'd be devastated.

what was that link?

10:24 AM  

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