Tuesday, December 28, 2004

remember that one time when you blacked out in my bathroom with your p.j. bottoms and underoos not pulled up? oh, that was me.

merry christmas, baby. i am a big fan of the christmas carols but if i hear one more (that version of "silent night" that the temptations do and "please celebrate me home..." by kenny loggins excluded - shut up, sue me, i don't care, fuck you) song, i may die. tragically. the problem is/was is that i basically ONLY listened to radio stations that played such holiday tunes or my charlie brown christmas cd. i'm never mad at that. the burn out is here. queer. used to it.

what'd santa bring me? here. a list.

in no particular order, of course:
1. a new! and improved! dvd player since my old one sucketh
2. 714 pairs of socks that i'm totally interested in
3. some really soft, not too cute sweater that i'll wear because it's soft and it will work at work
4. a scarf from my moms that she made that is red, yellow, orange, green, blue and i think that's it. no, it's cute
5. picture frame coasters (think about it)
6. $50 from my boss here at WU
7. a flashlight from the best nephew in the world (it's a good gift for a girl)
8. the jungle themed bathroom stuff i asked for from target
9. target gift card
10. cordless phone for home (i'd been rockin the same one for about 7 years)
11. jersey knit whatever sheets

okay. there may be more, but i can't think about it any longer. i also took from my folks' house a tv for my bedroom. fuck my old ideas of keeping my bedroom simple and without "distraction" thus making my (non-existent) sex life so much more OUT OF CONTROL. last night i fell asleep watching seinfeld & king of the hill. pleased.

yesterday, since i had the day off (2 day work week - woohoo!), kiersten came over and used her "artist's eye" to help me with the rearranging of my bedroom. if i had the patience, i'd take a picture and post it. it also doesn't help that i didn't take a picture and since shit got moved around, the computer is in the "Game Room" unplugged and stuff. just come over if you're so smart. but it looks good and finally that mirror that i got from IKEA back when i went to see morrissey in chicago is up on the wall. she even used her leveler (on her key chain!) to make sure all was right. i paid her back with dinner and a steady supply of bowls.

i've been partying like a fucking asshole this holiday season. not one night did i not go out. who knew? on thursday night after work i met some folks at black thorn (hey! canadian! you SUCK!) and then dragged the heather leather h to the rocket bar (pit stop at mangia where again! maple leaf! DIE!) where i proceeded to drink enough shots to even fuck metallica up when they were jager whores. the reason i know that i drank quite a bit is that i ended up blacking out for a little bit in my bathroom. nothing gonna break-a my stride.......... it was pretty sexy. after that harsh time, i haven't made the same mistake again. well, i've drank as many shots as i want to, mixed in with shitty cheap beer, but i haven't blacked out! nope. all's fine. that was pre-christmas eve partying. on the night before a very special someone's birthday, i went to hi-pointe to meet up with maggie and co. and ran into some former st. louisians, now chicagoans and again HOCKEY PUCK! your day will come! and then home. and then christmas day and eve' with the family minus one sister, one nephew, and one nephew daddy. good times. then over to susan's to feed her (why don't whites cook?) with some g-lovin and then off to pick up Hot Bob and then down to rocket bar for some drinking. i found myself in the jack-in-the-box drive thru at 4 in the morning, STUCK. no, chippy didn't break down. the fuckin computers at clown central weren't working and i was already in the part of the drive thru that's cemented in. sure, i could have hauled ass over the mini-bump of cement but i'd have HIT A CAR and that's not cool. so yea. stuck. in jack-in-the-box. i can't believe i worked there when i was a young lass. the best of chicken, the breast of chicken. and then back to my parents house again on sunday for christmas part 2 with the rest of the family. and then out with maggie and susan to hi-pointe, met up with kiersten, then down to pin up, then hilarity ensued. i totally COCK BLOCKED some girl (poorman'skiersten, fyi) who was trying so desperately to fuck susan's roommate. the thing is, i wasn't trying to fuck him. i just didn't think that she should get to. it was fucking awesome. i went over (by the way, he was totally wasted - like eyes looking in different direction wasted - and a retard could tell that he didn't want to give in to sin with her cause he kind of pushed her off of him) and sat down next to him and spun an incredibly believeable yarn about how susan had requested that i make sure he gets home alright and blaa, blaa, blaa, is he okay to drive, if not, i'll take him home cause it's basically down the street. kiersten was there as a witness if anyone doesn't believe the awesomeness that is this story of awesome, fyi. the girl, with hate in her eyes, says to me, "i've got him." i say, "well, i'm just trying to look out for one of my best friend's roommates and while i know your intentions, i don't know his." best line ever. so i say, "zack, do you want either me or kiersten to take you home or her?" in a feat of amazing drunken strength, he points in our direction. WINNERS! it was so fucking best. i'm waiting for part 2 of my drunken doom to begin tomorrow night when i get to go and see the only local band that i'm aware of supporting, robb steele, play their last show at the rocket bar. i'm sure nothing major will happen, but i'll bob my head and hold tight for good times. and then it's all gonna hit the fan when friday falls upon us and it's the last night of rocket bar on top of being Amateur Night in the Midwest, new year's eve. either way, i'm gonna french some people. watch out now.

mailman update!!! after NOTHING, i went out to wrap up my lunch break and get some air (read: smoky air) and to read this book ('all over but the shoutin') and who drives up at the same time i open the door to go out? that's right. the mailman. we chatted and i mentioned something about us missing boxing (we had made plans to make plans to watch the last fight of 2004) and then yea, i don't know, i feel like if i tell the whole story i'm somehow jinxing the situation and really, that'd be lame. but he asked me if i was gonna be here all day (no, i'm gonna go and sit in the bathroom in the basement and jerk off til 5) and that he may "stop by." developing!

i'll be giving up HOPE in 2005.

i think that this evening i'll be viewing 'life aquatic....' with maggie, susan and kiersten. i hope it all works out and they don't flake like they're prone to do. not in a bad way of course. and i also saw 'finding neverland.' seriously. they're lucky that the movie wasn't over 2 hours, i'd have eventually had to start working out the juice that was flowing. it was hard paying attention to the storyline while looking at johnny depp. the thing is, i am quite certain that not only do i love him THE MOST, i also have loved him ALL ALONG. he had me at nightmare on elm street. fucking magic.

if anyone wants to check out my drunken voice, call my house when i'm not there and listen to the recording. i think i did that on saturday after drinking too much? no, i did that on sunday. after drinking too much. fucking maniac. fucking awesome.

hester! let's get this movie viewing started right! let's get this started quickly! i've got shit on the list and every awards show that matters is nipping at our heels. omigod, i'm such a dork. that sentence solidified it, if all the dorky stuff that pre-dates it counts. it does.

every now & then, i remember that i'm getting newer glasses real soon. these temporary ones are just fine, just dandy, and i'd probably be "satisfied" if they had to stay, but this is good stuff to look forward to. when you're a total nerd.

eeeeee! one of my dreams may be visualized and actualized! no, not the dangerous strange duet that i want to do with the mailman (give it time! i think! i hope! i digress!), but the ol' cutman as a job thing. that's right. through the magical fingers of paul, he contacted his ol' college boyfriend and it might work out, it might work out. all i need to do is throw down some bucks to pay for the boxer's training/insurance, and i can be his cutman! i need to find out if training or experience is actually needed. that's going to be the one thing that will keep me down. BUT. how can you get experience if you aren't given a chance? this question will never be answered. america. regardless, can you fucking STAND it? i barely can. i will of course be keeping anyone who cares, doesn't care, doesn't know me, updated. maybe i can be the mailman's cutman. wokka wokka. he totally doesn't fight. not the face! so hot.

i've gotten about one lick of work done on this tuesday, my first day back at work. maybe i'll get to it TOMORROW, which is my FRIDAY. suckas. it's hard to get any work done with all the paint fumes surrounding me. the dean's office is getting painted and i'd be lying if i said that the fumes were contained. maybe i'll pass out and as soon as gas is released from my asshole, the mailman will walk in. instead of reviving me, he'll scuttle away in disgust and shame. then i'll come to and wonder if i'll get to see the mailman before the day is over or if he was talking shit.

boys! boys! boys!
boys in the mornin
boys in the evenin
boys at suppertime
when boys are on a bagel, you can eat boys any time!

i had a bagel for breakfast.

again, hope will be off of the list come 2005.


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