Wednesday, August 25, 2004

on my drive in to work this morning........

i stopped at walgreens by my house to pick up some - ahem - tampons (why is it still giggly and stupid to talk about PERIODS after all this time?) and they don't open til 8 and it was about 5 til. i'm sitting in my truck, ROCKING out to the cocteau twins and there's some little chitlins out front, waiting for them to open up too. i'm smoking, as i'm wont to do, so my window's down and i can hear these kids and they are cussing and just being total assholes to each other. meanwhile, walgreens STILL hasn't opened but there are more people waiting outside the door so i'm thinking it's bound to happen, it's 8:00 on the motherfucking dot. so the middle kid (there were 3 of them and i think that the oldest couldn't have been more than 15, the middle one probably 11 and the youngest around 8 or 9) comes over to my truck and asks me what time it is and then if i have any spare change. i said how much do you need? he tells me 50 cents, i say what are you gonna buy for 50 cents in walgreens? the oldest kid comes over and is all, "man, why you botherin' this lady? i thought i told you to stop asking strangers for money! if you get locked up, don't say i didn't tell ya" or something like that. oh yea, before the oldest kid came over, the middle one says, "this your truck?" me: "yea." him, noticing my bracelets, "ah you must have kids, you got them bracelets" me: "no, no kids." him: "a husband?" me: "no." him: "no? it must be really hard for you." me, defending myself to a fucking 11ish year old, and about to start really thinking about my life and wondering, is this like in a movie where some kid changes how you think about EVERYTHING and then i snap out of it and say, "i got a job." grammar. ugh. anyhoo. they ALL follow me into walgreens and i'm going to the tampon aisle and i see them and i'm like, what now? and then i realize that i never came through on the 50 cents that i never really guaranteed in the 1st place. i give the one who originally asked 50 cents. the youngest one who's wearing overalls and i can't resist a kid in overalls asks me too, i say, "only if you stop cussing for a day" because i really care, hand him 50 cents and then the oldest one, asked me too. at this point, i'm all what? i'm getting hustled for $1.50 and it's barely 8 a.m.? i turn to him and i'm all, "wait, didn't you just yell at him about asking me?" he has no answer, i realize i don't give a shit, give him 50 cents, get my lip stuff, pay for my shit and then just like kaiser soze, i was gone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm torn between the beauty of your generosity and wondering how much hustlers make before 8 a.m.

4:25 PM  
Blogger not jentrification said...

i appreciate the kind words of my beautiful generosity, but i think i was more tired than anything else. plus, i'm totally balling, so being out $1.50 is, as they say, no biggie.

3:34 PM  

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